Status Statistics Tell Just Part of the Story

TL;DR: Status statistics, such as the coronavirus-tracking daily counts (e.g. of patients ventilated or deceased), are commonly used but are inherently insufficient without additional transition statistics. Audience: data scientists and their managers, experiment designers, data journalists, and anyone with a critical approach to statistics. Read time: 7 minutes. Status statistics are commonly reported in a […]

Should I Optimize this Performance?

TL;DR: Competitive analysis is an effective tool for making decisions about performance optimizations. Main audience: managers, engineers, researchers, and anyone with a competitive mindset. Read time: 7 minutes. Decisions about performance optimization are very common in a competitive environment. In a business context, managers face such decisions in processes such as acquisition (should I get […]

How Much Data is Enough?

TL;DR: Simple information about the structure of a model can be used to determine the amount of data needed for a modeling and prediction task. Audience: data scientists, modelers, managers of modeling projects, and anyone who plans data. Read time: 10 minutes. All projects that use data for modeling and prediction face the question of […]

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