Announcing LibSWIFFT – Fast Secure Homomorphic Hashing

We are proud to give back to the community with this announcement of the release of LibSWIFFT. LibSWIFFT is an open-source production-ready C/C++ library providing SWIFFT, one of the fastest available secure hash functions that is also collision-resistant as well as facilitates post-quantum digital signature schemes and zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge of a preimage (ZKPoKP). […]

Should I Optimize this Performance?

TL;DR: Competitive analysis is an effective tool for making decisions about performance optimizations. Main audience: managers, engineers, researchers, and anyone with a competitive mindset. Read time: 7 minutes. Decisions about performance optimization are very common in a competitive environment. In a business context, managers face such decisions in processes such as acquisition (should I get […]

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