
Technology is changing the world fast. Can anyone keep up?

This fast pace puts many technology projects at risk of falling behind. Requirements are changing frequently, sometimes faster than can be met. Development costs are rising as projects struggle to adapt to the changing environment. Rewards are at risk as fast competitors move in.

Gvili Tech Ltd was founded in 2019 to help technology leaders keep up with this challenging pace. Our philosophy for overcoming this challenge is to build on solid technological foundations for tomorrow. Our method involves rigorous research of the technology fields critical for the long-term success of the project. We help the project identify and make the right technology choices early in order to minimize the costs and risks of wrong ones.

Our business is to succeed with our partners. We are proud to have exceeded $2.5 billion in total valuation of our clients. We work with various technology leaders, from project managers to investors in innovative technologies.

Gvili Tech Ltd is located in Kefar-Saba, Israel, and doing business internationally. We look forward to working with you on your next tech innovation project.


Yaron Gvili
Founder and CEO

Founder of Gvili Tech Ltd, Yaron Gvili has over 20 years of experience in the high-tech industry in Israel and the US, working on cutting edge technology problems. His passions include bridging research and engineering, and boosting R&D productivity. He is named a sole-inventor of patents in secure communications as well as a co-inventor of others. He has evaluated technologies and companies for venture capitalists managing over $100 billion. His achievements include designing and implementing core speech understanding algorithms in an industry-award-winning product, a proprietary massive-data compression scheme utilized at exabyte-scale, and a multi-petabyte-scale distributed data retrieval system. He has previously worked for Two Sigma Investments LP, a leading systematic hedge fund (world-top-10 by AUM), and Verint Systems Ltd, a leading tech company in customer engagement and cyber intelligence. He holds a M.Sc. in computer sciences, with a mathematical thesis, and a B.A. in computer sciences and economics, all from Tel-Aviv University with distinction.

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